ProxiVor wants to do everything possible to maintain a contact qualité between you and the commmer&case;ants cloé.
This registration has several advantages, it allows you to:
the - Keep your information for éviter de inform à each new purchase,
the - Keep your commer&case;ants préférés mémoire in your favorites
the - Be alerté(e) hotés your business&case;ants préférés if you want to,
the - Be a prévenu(e) of the new commer&case;ants à cloé of your home if you want,
the - to Exchange by e-mail with your commer&case ant if you need d'a information or d'a précision,
the - Follow your commands.
No payment n'is possible online, the transactions are direct with the commer&case ant to ensure that 100% of the order price goes to the retailer&case;ant.